Game of Thrones Character Showdown- The Far North Region

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  • Round 1
  • Round 2
  • Round 3
  • Semi-Finals
  • Finals
  • Winner
    05/19/2019 12:00 AM
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Jon Snow
139 votes
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Dagmer Cleftjaw
0 votes
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Maester Luwin
82 votes
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51 votes
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Tommen Baratheon
116 votes
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Robin Arryn
17 votes
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Grey Worm
127 votes
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Mace Tyrell
6 votes
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Sandor Clegane
132 votes
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Nymeria Sand
2 votes
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Yara Greyjoy
111 votes
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20 votes
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132 votes
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Yohn Royce
0 votes
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Grand Maester Pycelle
57 votes
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71 votes
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Samwell Tarly
125 votes
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Brother Ray
7 votes
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Alliser Thorne
96 votes
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Lancel Lannister
32 votes
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Khal Drogo
123 votes
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Randyll Tarly
8 votes
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Ramsay Bolton
91 votes
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38 votes
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Jorah Mormont
129 votes
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0 votes
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Thoros of Myr
100 votes
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Edmure Tully
24 votes
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The Night King
99 votes
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Qhorin Halfhand
28 votes
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114 votes
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14 votes
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Jon Snow
17 votes
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Maester Luwin
0 votes
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Tommen Baratheon
4 votes
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Grey Worm
13 votes
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Sandor Clegane
17 votes
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Yara Greyjoy
0 votes
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17 votes
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0 votes
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Samwell Tarly
15 votes
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Alliser Thorne
2 votes
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Khal Drogo
11 votes
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Ramsay Bolton
6 votes
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Jorah Mormont
14 votes
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Thoros of Myr
3 votes
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The Night King
13 votes
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4 votes
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Jon Snow
20 votes
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Grey Worm
0 votes
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Sandor Clegane
10 votes
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8 votes
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Samwell Tarly
10 votes
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Khal Drogo
8 votes
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Jorah Mormont
13 votes
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The Night King
5 votes
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Jon Snow
43 votes
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Sandor Clegane
9 votes
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Samwell Tarly
25 votes
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Jorah Mormont
17 votes
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Jon Snow
23 votes
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Samwell Tarly
1 vote