Bad Maps Tournament I

  • Round 1
  • Round 2
  • Semi-Finals
  • Finals
  • Winner
    04/03/2021 01:01 PM
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Bad lineart of Europe
1334 votes
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Bad lineart of the world
5586 votes
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Squished Austria-Hungary 1
2271 votes
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Squished Austria-Hungary 2
4502 votes
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Anatolia disappearing
3894 votes
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Egypt disappearing
2998 votes
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Morphed statistics map
5695 votes
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Bad Canada Covid map
1097 votes
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Inaccurate Germany
3627 votes
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Inaccurate USSR
3170 votes
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Continents puzzle
2428 votes
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Bad wall decoration
4414 votes
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Awful world countries map
4635 votes
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Weird cluttered trade map
2128 votes
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Bad book cover
3112 votes
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Bad Napoleonic map
3636 votes
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Bad lineart of the world
1029 votes
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Squished Austria-Hungary 2
871 votes
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Anatolia disappearing
1037 votes
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Morphed statistics map
859 votes
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Inaccurate Germany
384 votes
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Bad wall decoration
1509 votes
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Awful world countries map
1452 votes
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Bad Napoleonic map
442 votes
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Bad lineart of the world
258 votes
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Anatolia disappearing
409 votes
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Bad wall decoration
364 votes
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Awful world countries map
286 votes
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Anatolia disappearing
527 votes
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Bad wall decoration
1059 votes