D/C Evil Americans of the Twentieth Century: Cowboys Division

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  • Round 1
  • Round 2
  • Round 3
  • Semi-Finals
  • Finals
  • Winner
    03/28/2021 04:00 PM
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(1) Allen Dulles (Director of CIA from 1953-1961, covered up Holocaust as it was happening, Iran and Guatemala Coups, Patrice Lumumba, Bay of Pigs, JFK)
122 votes
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(16) Ted Shackley (CIA Assassin, Ran Miami Headquarters- big anti-Castro guy, ran Operation Phoenix)
10 votes
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(2) J. Edgar Hoover (Director of FBI from 1924 to 1972, Killing the Black Panthers, MLK, Malcom X, Covered up the Mob in New York, created the national blacklist)
111 votes
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(15) James Jesus Angleton (Infamous CIA spook, 1954-1975, connected to major assassinations, coups and operations)
17 votes
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(3) Jolly West (MK Ultra psychiatrist, mind controlled Jack Ruby, he killed the elephant Tusko, involved in OKC bombing)
83 votes
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(14) Wild Bill Donovan (Helped Found the OSS during WWII- nazi implications, early CIA)
27 votes
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(4) Prescott Bush (Founded a Nazi bank and had Nazi gold, The business plot- attempted coup to overthrow FDR, father of HW Bush)
117 votes
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(13) Joseph Robinnette Biden
15 votes
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(5) Michael Aquino (Psychological Warfare Military Officer, Vietnam Torturer, Created the Cult Temple of Set)
38 votes
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(12) Oliver North (Iran-Contra, played himself in Call of Duty 2)
84 votes
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(6) Roy Cohn (Executed the Rosenbergs- Soviet adjacent scientists in US nuclear program, anti-gay Lavender Scare, Trump's Lawyer in the 1970s, McCarthy adjacent)
30 votes
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(11*Girlboss) Margaret Thatcher (Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland)
101 votes
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(7) Sydney "Poisoner In Chief" Gottlieb (MK Ultra)
64 votes
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(10) William Casey (Reagan's CIA Director, Ran his presidential campaign, Operation Cyclone - Al Qaeda, Iran Contra)
44 votes
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(8) Strom Thurmond (KKK Senator, Joe Biden's Mentor)
84 votes
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(9) Daryl Gates (Chief of LAPD, largely attributed with Rodney King murder and riots, co creator of SWAT, DARE and paramilitary)
35 votes
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(1) Walt Disney (Eugenicist, Nazi Sympthasizer)
88 votes
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(16) John Maynard Keynes (Economist, Excellent Thinker)
37 votes
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(2) William Buckley, Jr. (Sailboat pedophile, neocon, awful voice, CIA, listen to Chapo episode 3)
38 votes
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(15) Alan Dershowitz (Pedophile)
92 votes
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(3) Ayn Rand (Top-Class Thot)
92 votes
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(14) George Lincoln Rockwell (Founder of American Nazi Party)
31 votes
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(4) Charles Lindbergh (aviator, catalyst for rise of American Nazis)
50 votes
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(13) Roger Stone (Great Tattoos)
67 votes
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(5) Edward Bernays (Father of Public Relations, Had a hand in Guatemala coup and other significant political crimes)
43 votes
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(12) Alan Greenspan (Chair of the Fed for Reagan, ushered in era of neoliberalism)
73 votes
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(6) Garrison Kellior (Boring, piece of shit, NPR, Lake Wobegone, Rapist, Brace Belden's First Enemy)
78 votes
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(11) Charles Manson
41 votes
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(7) Milton Friedmann (Economist, Excellent Thinker)
103 votes
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(10) L. Ron Hubbard (Founder of Scientology, Top-Class Pimp)
29 votes
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(8) Roger Ailes (Founder of Fox News, Rapist, Responsible for Willie Horton Ad for George HW Bush)
110 votes
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(9) Charles Coughlin (Radio Priest, KKK and Anti-Semite)
11 votes
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(1) Allen Dulles (Director of CIA from 1953-1961, covered up Holocaust as it was happening, Iran and Guatemala Coups, Patrice Lumumba, Bay of Pigs, JFK)
12 votes
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(2) J. Edgar Hoover (Director of FBI from 1924 to 1972, Killing the Black Panthers, MLK, Malcom X, Covered up the Mob in New York, created the national blacklist)
4 votes
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(3) Jolly West (MK Ultra psychiatrist, mind controlled Jack Ruby, he killed the elephant Tusko, involved in OKC bombing)
0 votes
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(4) Prescott Bush (Founded a Nazi bank and had Nazi gold, The business plot- attempted coup to overthrow FDR, father of HW Bush)
17 votes
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(12) Oliver North (Iran-Contra, played himself in Call of Duty 2)
3 votes
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(11*Girlboss) Margaret Thatcher (Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland)
14 votes
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(7) Sydney "Poisoner In Chief" Gottlieb (MK Ultra)
8 votes
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(8) Strom Thurmond (KKK Senator, Joe Biden's Mentor)
10 votes
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(1) Walt Disney (Eugenicist, Nazi Sympthasizer)
3 votes
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(15) Alan Dershowitz (Pedophile)
13 votes
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(3) Ayn Rand (Top-Class Thot)
13 votes
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(13) Roger Stone (Great Tattoos)
3 votes
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(12) Alan Greenspan (Chair of the Fed for Reagan, ushered in era of neoliberalism)
15 votes
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(6) Garrison Kellior (Boring, piece of shit, NPR, Lake Wobegone, Rapist, Brace Belden's First Enemy)
2 votes
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(7) Milton Friedmann (Economist, Excellent Thinker)
11 votes
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(8) Roger Ailes (Founder of Fox News, Rapist, Responsible for Willie Horton Ad for George HW Bush)
6 votes
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(1) Allen Dulles (Director of CIA from 1953-1961, covered up Holocaust as it was happening, Iran and Guatemala Coups, Patrice Lumumba, Bay of Pigs, JFK)
2 votes
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(4) Prescott Bush (Founded a Nazi bank and had Nazi gold, The business plot- attempted coup to overthrow FDR, father of HW Bush)
1 vote
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(11*Girlboss) Margaret Thatcher (Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland)
3 votes
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(8) Strom Thurmond (KKK Senator, Joe Biden's Mentor)
0 votes
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(15) Alan Dershowitz (Pedophile)
2 votes
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(3) Ayn Rand (Top-Class Thot)
1 vote
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(12) Alan Greenspan (Chair of the Fed for Reagan, ushered in era of neoliberalism)
1 vote
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(7) Milton Friedmann (Economist, Excellent Thinker)
1 vote
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(1) Allen Dulles (Director of CIA from 1953-1961, covered up Holocaust as it was happening, Iran and Guatemala Coups, Patrice Lumumba, Bay of Pigs, JFK)
2 votes
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(11*Girlboss) Margaret Thatcher (Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland)
1 vote
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(15) Alan Dershowitz (Pedophile)
2 votes
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(12) Alan Greenspan (Chair of the Fed for Reagan, ushered in era of neoliberalism)
0 votes
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(1) Allen Dulles (Director of CIA from 1953-1961, covered up Holocaust as it was happening, Iran and Guatemala Coups, Patrice Lumumba, Bay of Pigs, JFK)
1 vote
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(15) Alan Dershowitz (Pedophile)
0 votes